Timorasso a jewel to discover

A recently rediscovered jewel. Great territoriality and unique taste.

History and Origin of Timorasso

Brief history on the origins of Timorasso, with focus on peculiarities that make it unique. Characteristics of the vine: ideal climate and soil, production areas.

Origins of Timorasso

Timorasso and Piedmont, the long history of this incredible vine begins here.

The Timorasso vine was very widespread in the pre-phylloxera era: from the Middle Ages onwards, until around the 19th century, together with the Cortese di Gavi, it was the main white grape variety of Piedmont.

It was already mentioned during the 1300s in the "Treatise of Agronomy" by Pietro de' Crescenzi and, above all, in the "Ampelographic Bulletin" of 1855 by Giuseppe Di Rovasenda, who reports Timorasso as the main white grape variety of the south-east of Piedmont.

The advent of vine phylloxera and the crisis following the Second World War had very serious effects on Timorasso, which was progressively abandoned by most local winemakers in favor of Cortese di Gavi

But it was only in the 1980s that the vine was rediscovered and brought back to its ancient glories: in fact 1987 was the symbolic year of the rebirth of Timorasso and coincided with the production of the first Timorasso wine vinified in purity. The protagonist of this "new life" of Timorasso is Walter Massa who, together with other far-sighted producers, focused on this vine and its indisputable oenological qualities.

Among the prominent figures of "Timorasso" there is also Claudio Mariotto, whose wines, made from this vine, represent, today, one of the greatest interpretations of him.

Peculiarities of Derthona: a Territory, a Wine, a Vine

#1: Where does the name come from?

Derthona is a white wine made from Timorasso grapes, the native vine of the Colli Tortonesi area. Derthona is the ancient Roman name of the town of Tortona, in south-eastern Piedmont, in the province of Alessandria.

#2: Why is it so famous?

Timorasso is among the longest-lived wines ever, an almost immortal white.

#3: But is it just a wine?

No, Derthona represents a global and futuristic vision of protection, communication and respect for the land and history. Derthona recalls belonging to the territory, its historical-cultural tradition, the nature, the uniqueness and quality of the product, in a semantically transparent way: Timorasso is to Nebbiolo as Derthona is to Barolo.

That's why "A jewel to discover"

1. The Timorasso vine is typical of the province of Alessandria, in particular in the Colli Tortonesi area and in the Borbera, Curone, Grue, Ossona, Scrivia and Spinti valleys, in the south-east of Piedmont. It is here that Timorasso reaches very high quality levels.

2. Timorasso is a difficult and unprofitable vine: it is sensitive to mold and does not adapt well to environments other than those of Alessandria. It also has medium-low yields.

3. It is an exclusive grape variety. Strongly linked to the territory (it prefers clay-marly and well-exposed soils, such as the Alessandria hills), it allows limited productive quantities but of absolute quality.

Tortona Hills

Labels for special occasions


Tasting notes

Derthona has unmistakable features, it is a white with the structure and importance of a red. It is defined as a "white Barolo" due to its territoriality and uniqueness of flavors.

Straw color with golden reflections, the nose expresses a strong floral and slightly citrus connotation. In the mouth, flavour, minerality and freshness are unmistakable features surrounding an important and pulpy structure that fills the palate, giving a long persistence.

Recommended pairings

Perfect to accompany appetizers, perhaps local cold cuts, and fish-based second courses, it is ideal in combination with blue or mature cheeses. Try it with beef tartare. It is such a complex and articulated wine that it can accompany gourmet dishes such as: celestine in capon broth, rabbit and dark chocolate tagliatelle, guinea fowl with chestnuts and finally chestnut cake with ricotta and honey.

Cold cuts


Fish-based courses

Blue cheeses

Tasting experience

Tips for the experience: how to best enjoy it, ideal temperatures, decanting.

Tip #1: Oxygenation

Derthona is a white wine of medium structure, which does not require oxygenation to open up.

Tip #2: Glass

It should be tasted in a medium-sized glass with the opening slightly narrower than the body to favor the concentration of the aromas towards the nose, enhancing the perception of the aromas and limiting their dispersion

Tip #3: Temperature

The tasting temperature is between 8 and 10°C.

Tip #4: What to expect

The wine will have a medium intensity straw yellow color. Clear hints of summer fruit, citrus peel and chamomile characterize the olfactory texture together with vivid mineral hints of flint. On the palate it shows a typically varietal character with lively freshness and a marked savory tone to animate the progression anticipating a finish rich in fruity, floral, toasted and mineral sensations. An unforgettable experience.

Labels for a dinner with friends

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